Showit tips



Real sites



I know, I know… there are SO many Facebook groups out there today! I actually went through a pretty intense social media cleanse a few weeks ago because I was getting overwhelmed with all of the noise. Social media clutter can be draining and I found that I was in a ton of groups that […]


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You did it… after weeks, maybe months of tedious design you’re finally ready to launch your brand new website for the world to see!! (Insert all of the happy face and champagne emojis here!) But before you rush and hit that publish button, I urge you to take a moment and double-check the details. It’s […]


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10 years, guys. Diez. Dix. Dieci. Zehn. Ten. It’s a nice number, isn’t it? That’s what July is for me this year… celebrating an entire decade of being a proud Showiteer! (And also the soon-to-be birth month of my second baby girl!) In honor of this huge milestone I knew it was time to write […]


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It’s hard to remember a time before life was all about likes, shares, double-taps and swiping left. Social media has become such a huge part of our lives and I can’t think of a single business out there that doesn’t rely on it for their marketing. I mean why not, it’s free and everyone is […]


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Hey, hey!!

My name is Crystal (Lee is my middle name) and I'm a photographer, web designer and Jedi Wizard. It's a thing, trust me.

I love 90's boy band music, coffee with too much sugar and buying books that I never finish. As a ‘tog I know what it feels like to stare at pages and pages of trendy photography websites and feel out of place because I just can't see me

As a certified Showit Design Partner I specialize in creating badass websites and templates exclusively for photographers that want to put their most authentic selves forward.

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Did we just become best friends?

crystal lee
✦ design studio.

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